“Come and See! Go and Tell!”
Welcome to Trinity Lutheran Church, a Welcoming Congregation, officially recognized as a congregation of the Southern Ohio Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. If you are new to Trinity, I hope you will find your spiritual home with us. Sometimes that happens during weekly Sunday Services when a melody, prayer or sermon touches a responsive chord. Other times, fulfillment comes when we watch our children or grandchildren help lead worship, sing a song or laugh together. Sometimes it happens when the High School Youth Group gathers or when we meet socially and share a good meal. Certainly, all of us feel a sense of family & tradition when we celebrate our liturgies, gather for rituals, or participate in mission projects.
The church offers a wide range of programs and services designed to share God’s grace with our members and the communities we serve. Our primary focus here at Trinity is to Come and See! Go and Tell! We gather and invite others to Come and See that our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus loves and welcomes all people regardless of their background. And that He offers us the chance to receive forgiveness and a new start, either everyday in life or for the first time in a while. Then we are able to Go and Tell! others about the love and strength that Jesus gives us each and every day. Our worship services embrace both traditional and contemporary worship. Members are also actively involved in many small group activities including Bible Study, community service and outreach and care and support ministries to many others. As well as dynamic children’s and youth programs.
Our Vision
Come — We invite people to come and find the Lord.
- We reach out into the community to reflect God’s Love
- We invite and welcome people to come and know Christ.
- The light of Christ shine from within each member and it draws people.
Go — When the people are send out from this place:
- They are nourished and fed with Word and Sacrament.
- They to go back into the world, renewed and refreshed and excited about Jesus.
- They serve people in need.
See — When people come here they see that we are:
- Warm, friendly, and welcoming people.
- People who are excited about the Lord.
- Engaged in vibrant worship.
- Providing a variety of learning opportunities for all ages.
- Sharing the light of Christ through our fellowship and fun.
Tell — When we talk about Jesus we say:
- … Come to this Welcoming Place.
- … This Serving Place.
- … This Worshiping Place.
- … This Learning Place.
- … Come and See
“Connecting people to people, people to Christ, and people to their roles in the world.”
We are a diverse body of believers united in the faith and core values we share:
- Christ centered: Focused on the life, words, and Spirit of Jesus proclaimed in the New Testament;
- Biblically rooted: Encouraging active, regular, faithful study of the Bible, using tools of devotion, scholarship and global perspective;
- Warm hearted: A generous, loving, laughing congregation which experiences the grace of God in Jesus Christ in personal and positive ways;
- Open minded: A place where people search, think, question and honestly express their growing experience of the faith in an accepting and affirming atmosphere;
- Mission directed: Carrying the sense of mission of Jesus’ words to go to all the world. Our mission is in the neighborhood, in the city and to all cultures;